Saturday, December 26, 2009
Man in wheelchair holds 5 hostage at Wytheville Post Office
Man in wheelchair holds 5 hostage at Wytheville Post Office
Hmm, um yeah, alrighty then.
Are you freaking kidding me?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Pregnancy ban: Sexism or good idea?
I saw this headline:
Seven soldiers punished thus far under pregnancy ban Stars and Stripes
and the feminist in me was ready to pounce. "How dare they," I thought? This sexism and misogyny is ridiculous.
And then I read the article.
As it turns out I don't entirely disagree with the thinking on this. The ban instituted six weeks ago bans pregnancy as it causes soldiers to have to stop working for an extended period of time. This creates a hole in the unit resulting in less people to do the work. I could almost agree with him if women didn't make up such a small portion of his unit.
I'm a woman and I don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect soldiers to think before they act. In 2009, pregnancies are preventable. The feminist in me says its your body and no one should be able to tell you what you can and can not do with it. But the practical side of me says these soldiers are doing a job and if you think you might be ready to have a child you maybe should reconsider enlisting at least until the child is old enough. You are starting a job and leaving others to pick up your slack. In an office that's okay, but on the frontlines its something different. Real lives not bottom lines are at stake here. Most pregnancies can be prevented. I commend the general in charging these soldiers to act responsibly.
However, I believe its impractical and unnecessary. Women soldiers are valuable, but the likelihood enough women will be pregnant at the same time that it would totally cripple a unit is highly unlikely. I also think court martialing and jail time is way too harsh and utterly ridiculous sentence for this. It's ludicrous that someone should go to jail because they got pregnant or for a man to be jailed for consensual sex, with a willing participant, that results in a baby.
Women have been getting pregnant since the beginning of time, (that's why there is a beginning of time). Many units have dealt with this natural part of life and been successful. Show me the unit truly harmed because of too many pregnant soldiers and maybe we can talk. Until then...
Are you freaking kidding me?
Seven soldiers punished thus far under pregnancy ban Stars and Stripes
and the feminist in me was ready to pounce. "How dare they," I thought? This sexism and misogyny is ridiculous.
And then I read the article.
As it turns out I don't entirely disagree with the thinking on this. The ban instituted six weeks ago bans pregnancy as it causes soldiers to have to stop working for an extended period of time. This creates a hole in the unit resulting in less people to do the work. I could almost agree with him if women didn't make up such a small portion of his unit.
I'm a woman and I don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect soldiers to think before they act. In 2009, pregnancies are preventable. The feminist in me says its your body and no one should be able to tell you what you can and can not do with it. But the practical side of me says these soldiers are doing a job and if you think you might be ready to have a child you maybe should reconsider enlisting at least until the child is old enough. You are starting a job and leaving others to pick up your slack. In an office that's okay, but on the frontlines its something different. Real lives not bottom lines are at stake here. Most pregnancies can be prevented. I commend the general in charging these soldiers to act responsibly.
However, I believe its impractical and unnecessary. Women soldiers are valuable, but the likelihood enough women will be pregnant at the same time that it would totally cripple a unit is highly unlikely. I also think court martialing and jail time is way too harsh and utterly ridiculous sentence for this. It's ludicrous that someone should go to jail because they got pregnant or for a man to be jailed for consensual sex, with a willing participant, that results in a baby.
Women have been getting pregnant since the beginning of time, (that's why there is a beginning of time). Many units have dealt with this natural part of life and been successful. Show me the unit truly harmed because of too many pregnant soldiers and maybe we can talk. Until then...
Are you freaking kidding me?
pregnancy ban,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Mayor of Arlington, Tennessee is an idiot, Charlie Brown
Good grief. The ironically named Russell Wiseman, mayor of Arlington, Tenn., is apologizing for firing off on his Facebook page at President Obama for preempting the Charlie Brown Christmas special for a speech.
Wiseman, on his Facebook page claimed, the president deliberately timed his speech to block the evil Christian message of the Charlie Brown Christmas special because he's a Muslim. Thank you Mayor Wiseman, you've unraveled the conspiracy plot of the decade. Surely, with two wars going on, a recession, unemployment rising and trying to get a healthcare bill passed naturally the thing on President Obama's mind is sticking it to Christians by preempting a holiday cartoon. (Insert evil laughter, here) Brilliant, Absolutely brilliant!
Give me a break. It is idiotic on so many levels. It would actually be pretty funny if it wasn't so sad.
First, he's not a Muslim folks. If we learned nothing from the whole Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, it's that Barack Obama is a Christian. I don't know about you, but I don't know any Muslims who worship for 20 years at a Christian church. I don't know any Muslims who get married at and have their kids baptized in a Christian church. He's a Christian guys.
Even if Wiseman was joking, there are plenty of people in this country who believe this. It's ridiculous. He's certainly a Christian. He's not waging a war on Christmas, he has a Christmas tree at his house.
We question the Christianity of Obama who's platform has been on making peace with other countries and bringing people together across party lines, race, ideology and sexual preference, but we have no problem calling the man who essentially lied to wage a war for profit and revenge a Christian. It makes no sense. Even if he was a Muslim (which he isn't), so what. Why does it matter? Who cares?
The other troubling thing is that people actually elected this mayor. And even more sad somebody actually lost an election to someone this stupid. Wow!
Are you freaking kidding me?
If you want to read more about Mayor Russell Wiseman's comments, click here.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Party Crashers at the White House
Ok so let me get this straight.
I have to damn near undress to go through a metal detector at the airport. I daily get interrogated by U.S. Marshalls when I come through the federal building where I work. I actually once had my Starbucks coffee cup inspected.
Oh, but this couple can just stroll all up in a party with the president of the United States. No invitation. No background check. No clearance. No one inspecting their cup of coffee. They can take photos with the Vice President and Chief of Staff. They can post pictures from the party on Facebook.
I on the other hand can't bring my Blackberry into the Federal Building WHERE I HAPPEN TO WORK BY THE WAY because it has a camera on it.
Are you freaking kidding me?
This is the second high profile occasion where the Secret Service has slipped up. The most recent was when the Iraqi journalist threw shoes at former President Bush.
What are you guys doing? I get searched like a terrorist to enter a building thousands or miles away from the president, but these people can walk right in. Huh? Am I missing something here?
I have to damn near undress to go through a metal detector at the airport. I daily get interrogated by U.S. Marshalls when I come through the federal building where I work. I actually once had my Starbucks coffee cup inspected.
Oh, but this couple can just stroll all up in a party with the president of the United States. No invitation. No background check. No clearance. No one inspecting their cup of coffee. They can take photos with the Vice President and Chief of Staff. They can post pictures from the party on Facebook.
I on the other hand can't bring my Blackberry into the Federal Building WHERE I HAPPEN TO WORK BY THE WAY because it has a camera on it.
Are you freaking kidding me?
This is the second high profile occasion where the Secret Service has slipped up. The most recent was when the Iraqi journalist threw shoes at former President Bush.
What are you guys doing? I get searched like a terrorist to enter a building thousands or miles away from the president, but these people can walk right in. Huh? Am I missing something here?
state dinner,
vice president,
white house
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sammy Sosa looks like a hot mess
Uh, Sammy did you really think no one was going to notice that you’re, oh, 15 shades lighter than normal?
It’s not like you’ve been in the public eye for a million years.
It’s not like we don’t have a reference point for how you used to look.
But all that aside, I really get annoyed when people think they’re better looking because they’re lighter-skinned. I believe there are beautiful light-skinned people, beautiful dark-skinned people, beautiful fair-skinned people, beautiful olive-skinned people, albino people, white people.
Its sad that with all Sammy’s accomplished and achieved that he’s obviously unhappy with himself. He had the nerve to say in an interview that he’s not trying to be Michael Jackson. I can’t tell you’re doing the same thing.
Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt that the cream is intended to soften his skin, softening means making it softer not lighter, duh.
Its also sad that if you look at the pictures the skin cream doesn’t balance out his face. He looks splotchy. It looks like he's wearing white face. If you’re rich and you’re gonna go white, I’m gonna at least need you to get a better bleaching cream.
It’s not like you’ve been in the public eye for a million years.
It’s not like we don’t have a reference point for how you used to look.
But all that aside, I really get annoyed when people think they’re better looking because they’re lighter-skinned. I believe there are beautiful light-skinned people, beautiful dark-skinned people, beautiful fair-skinned people, beautiful olive-skinned people, albino people, white people.
Its sad that with all Sammy’s accomplished and achieved that he’s obviously unhappy with himself. He had the nerve to say in an interview that he’s not trying to be Michael Jackson. I can’t tell you’re doing the same thing.
Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt that the cream is intended to soften his skin, softening means making it softer not lighter, duh.
Its also sad that if you look at the pictures the skin cream doesn’t balance out his face. He looks splotchy. It looks like he's wearing white face. If you’re rich and you’re gonna go white, I’m gonna at least need you to get a better bleaching cream.
hot mess,
sammy sosa,
skin cream,
skin lightener,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Being Fat Against the Law???? WTF?
When I saw this headline on the
My first thought was, "oh, hell naw." I'd better stay my chubby self out of Japan. There would definitely be an ill-fitting jumpsuit and prison cell waiting for me. But then I read the article and parts of it actually makes sense.
Hear me out. Its not like they're going to jail you for being large, what they're doing is incentivizing companies who encourage their workers to be fit. Primarily they're concerned with the size of a person's waist which is a good indicator, and possibly predisposes people to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of dangerous medical factors like high blood sugar, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
The law only applies to people who are over 40 years old. Right now Japan has one of the lowest rates of obesity in the world at about 5%, compared with the U.S. where its about 35%. I don't agree that good health should be mandated. I do like the idea that companies benefit from healthy employees and thus are encouraged to help make their employees healthier. I haven't read the new healthcare bill, (its 2000 pages, are you freaking kidding me?), but my understanding is that insurance companies are going to have a harder time denying people with preexisting health conditions. If this is the case, maybe some consideration could go towards rewarding people who make an effort to be fit. Lowering their insurance premiums is a good way to do that.
I don't agree however that this Japan's method is necessarily the healthiest way to go about it, but some aspects are worth considering. I'm certain a law like this could lead to eating disorders. What do you guys think?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Katt Williams: This story just keeps getting better.
(Shaking my head.) The Katt Williams story just keeps getting better. I've posted a video on this with the updated information. He's apparently been releaased on bond.
If you hadn't heard the story or read my last blog entry apparently the place where he was arrested Monday for apparently burglarizing his own home. A report I heard today said that the person he burglarized in the home was late R&B singer Aaliyah's uncle, Barry Hankerson. They were working together reportedly on a movie about Barack Obama. (Shaking my head). \The funniest/saddest thing to me is that he once got arrested for trying to check into a hotel in a bathrobe. Are you freaking kidding me?
Weigh in on this. Is Katt a criminal or is he being railroaded?
Monday, November 9, 2009
How is it burglary if you live there?
Somebody help me out. I just finished reading the CNN story on Katt William's burglary arrest. Katt apparently broke in to a home with a crowbar. Strange, but even stranger is its a home where he'd been living for the past month. What the story doesn't make clear is how its a burglary if he was living there at the time. I'll be the first to say that using a crowbar to get into the home where you are living is not the smartest move. It doesn't really make you look innocent. But again, the story never says if he'd been asked to leave or if he was locked out or what. We need more information.
And on another note Katt this is a mugshot, not your school yearbook. Maybe a little less of a smile. I'm just saying.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Ok, so no one checked this?
see more Epic Fails
Stories like this crack me up.
Are you freaking kidding me?
You mean to tell me that not one person on the T-shirt committee had the forethought to say hey lets make sure that this is the right phone number. Oftentimes we are in such a rush in life that we cut corners and ultimately end up making a mistake that costs us even more time and more money. A 5-second phone call could have saved the school this embarassment.
There's one winner in this debacle and that's the sex line. They're certain to gain at least one new customer out of this. (Shaking my head).
Fail Blog,
phone sex line,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Laptops in the cockpit,, really?
Are you freaking kidding me?
Last week the story broke about a Northwest Airlines flight that got diverted and missed its intended destination by oh about 150 MILES. Now I have absolutely no sense of direction. I've lived in the same city for more than 10 years and still get lost. But 150 miles? Are you freaking kidding me?
Wait it gets better. So naturally, everyone's wondering what were they doing? How could this happen? Were they sleeping? Were they hurt? Was it a terrorist? I mean this is a post 9/11 world we live in, we have to take these things into consideration.
These brainiacs, Captains Timothy Cheney and Richard Cole, adamantly denied sleeping on the job. They instead, initially, say they were engrossed in a heated argument and lost track of time. A HEATED ARGUMENT? Are you freaking kidding me? Was that really the best you can do? At least if you said you were sleeping you could get some sympathy points, dillweeds. Oh the poor pilots they’re so fatigued and overworked.
It turns out these geniuses were on their laptops. Other than them reading this blog there is no excuse that will fly with me on this. It’s totally unacceptable. So, one of you couldn't fly the plane while the other surfed for porn? I'm just saying.
Now I confess I occasionally use my cell phone while driving. It's not a habit (I'm not Maria Shriver for crissakes). But occasionally the need to send a text or make a call coincides with me being in my car. (When you live in a city that tops the worst commutes list annually this tends to happen). I realize this is dangerous and I'm not proud of it, but this is altogether different. There were hundreds of lives in your hands, literally. Thank God no one was hurt.
The craziest thing is the airline has no policy against this. So who knows how often this is happening. I don't even want to imagine that the person piloting my plane is playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. It’s frightening. The airline industry has enough of a stigma for being unsafe with plane crashes and drunk pilots, these guys are not helping at all.
I hope if anything good comes out of this mess. I hope that the FAA will review the policies and institute measures to prevent this from happening again. I mean it would seem pretty obvious to me that surfing the Net and flying the plane don’t exactly fit well together, but hey what do I know.
You can read more about this story here.
You can read more about this story here.
Northwest Airliens,
Richard Cole,
Timothy Cheney
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Real Geniuses here
I can especially appreciate this because I worked at a newspaper for many years. Fail Blog is a great site full of hilarious Are You Freaking Kidding Me moments? We'll feature them on this blog from time to time.

see more Epic Fails
see more Epic Fails
Saturday, October 17, 2009
$400 a day for wigs???
I watch (and rather enjoy) "Real Housewives of Atlanta." (That show is chock full of blog material on its own). I’m focusing today on something Kim said on this past week’s episode.
Anyone who watches knows Kim is a proud wig lover. So proud she only wears wigs and not her natural hair. On this episode while getting ready for a party, Kim and her hairstylist Derrick (while wearing a fabulous pair of pumps) talk about her wigs. She says she wears a brand new wig every day. He asked how much they cost. She says about $430 each. $430 per wig, per day! She figured it up to be $12,000 a month on wigs.
Are you freaking kidding me (Big Poppa is shelling out some major cash.)
Like I said I'm not a hater. If you afford to do that, go for it. My problem is simple, her wigs look awful. If you watched last season she looked a hot mess. I'm telling you if you're gonna pay $400 a day for a wig, it needs to look a hell of a lot better than the ones she's wearing. I've seen better looking wigs at my local beauty supply and they weren't even close to $400.
My advice, if you must change wigs daily invest in someone who can get you a better piece. There are people in wig shops whose only job is to help you pick out wigs. Or bring Derrick, I’m sure he can pick out a great hair piece. This is 2009 there's no reason anyone has to wear a bad wig, (especially when you have a rich benefactor that can afford to buy you good ones.)
Blogosphere lets help her out. Do you know a good wig place you can recommend for Ms. Zolciak?
kim zolciak,
Real Housewives of Atlanta,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Comcast Sucks
- I want to know why at least twice a month, seriously, I can't use the wireless Internet I pay for.
- I need to know why no matter what time you quote to come install service or fix a piece of your crappy, chronically malfunctioning equipment you never make it within that time. (Its like a 3-hour window people. Come on!)
- I need to know why I no longer have the History Channel on basic cable or the TV Guide channel (Yes, I watched the TV Guide channel, don't judge me), but I'm paying more than ever for service.
- I want to know why I was on the phone with someone in your technical department for over an hour and a half one time to fix my Internet and they still weren't able to do anything.
- I want to know why you guys are the only game in town and you suck so bad.
I'm writing this blog from a public computer, because the computer in my bedroom (the one that's two steps from my bed) can't pick up wireless Internet. This happens at least twice a month I'm not kidding. Comcast you guys suck.
I hardly ever complain about big companies. I give people the benefit of the doubt. If this is a one-time thing I could understand. Stuff happens, but this is a pattern of behavior. The only reason I'm still using your God awful service is because you're the only one that services my area. You treat people like crap because you can. You treat people like crap, because we're so freaking addicted to cable TV crap like Californication and Hung that we'd rather put up with you than to be without it.
I blame myself. I love cable television. I'm part of the problem, but I'm taking a stand. I'm making my voice heard to the blogosphere. You guys suck. You need to thank your stars that there isn't any competition in my local market because you'd lose customers so fast it would make your head spin.
Here is my suggestion for how we handle these morons at Comcast. Mona Shaw you're my hero.
Comcast Hammer Lady from on Vimeo.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Cell phones have turned good people into total douchebags
Are you freaking kidding me?
People, don’t call me and talk to other people in the background. Talk to the other people and then call me when you can talk to just me.
People, don’t call me, just to tell me you’re gonna call me later. Just call me when you are available to talk.
People, don’t call me at 3 in the morning and ask me what I’m doing. I’m sleeping. You should be too.
Cell phones are leading to the demise of our person to person communication. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of cell phones. I’ve grown to rely heavily on my Blackberry to do everything from make calls, get directions, surf the Internet, keep my appointments, etc. I love being connected. I love that I can access almost anyone at almost anytime.
But all that accessibility comes with a few negatives. Before cell phones people rarely talked to me while using the bathroom (this happened to me two days ago). Before cell phones people didn’t just call you with nothing to say. Before cell phones people reserved making calls to when they really had something important to say. We somehow managed to survive for many years without being able to talk to anyone at anytime. Now we have that capability and I get the pleasure of sitting on the train while douchebags talk loudly on the phone about what they ate for lunch.
Please people stop this madness. Lets use this technology for good. I don’t wanna know what you did this weekend. I don’t care. I could care less that he still hasn’t called since you went all the way with him. I don’t care.
People, don’t call me and talk to other people in the background. Talk to the other people and then call me when you can talk to just me.
People, don’t call me, just to tell me you’re gonna call me later. Just call me when you are available to talk.
People, don’t call me at 3 in the morning and ask me what I’m doing. I’m sleeping. You should be too.
Cell phones are leading to the demise of our person to person communication. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of cell phones. I’ve grown to rely heavily on my Blackberry to do everything from make calls, get directions, surf the Internet, keep my appointments, etc. I love being connected. I love that I can access almost anyone at almost anytime.
But all that accessibility comes with a few negatives. Before cell phones people rarely talked to me while using the bathroom (this happened to me two days ago). Before cell phones people didn’t just call you with nothing to say. Before cell phones people reserved making calls to when they really had something important to say. We somehow managed to survive for many years without being able to talk to anyone at anytime. Now we have that capability and I get the pleasure of sitting on the train while douchebags talk loudly on the phone about what they ate for lunch.
Please people stop this madness. Lets use this technology for good. I don’t wanna know what you did this weekend. I don’t care. I could care less that he still hasn’t called since you went all the way with him. I don’t care.
cell phones,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Kids hunting with real guns
Are you freaking kidding me…
Why was this kid hunting in the first place? With a real gun? Someone please tell me.
I just posted a link to story from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about an 11-year-old that was killed while on a hunting trip with his grandfather.
This baffles me. I have never understood hunting and the thrill in killing poor defenseless animals. I saw Bambi as a kid and when they killed Bambi’s mom I was absolutely traumatized. I yelled and pounded on the screen like “noooooo!!!” and “Why is this happening!!!!!” (Ok, so maybe I wasn’t quite that dramatic, but I was really, really sad.)
But I’ll put my personal thoughts aside, I’m sure in some families hunting is a tradition and all that. Wonderful, but leave the kids out of it. Your 11-year-old child does not need to be anywhere near a hunting rifle, grandpa. Let’s make this act of male bonding one for the older men in the family. If you absolutely must get the kids involved, show them some gun safety and do it with fake guns with fake bullets. How about we not give the kids something they can actually shoot themselves or someone else (or me for that matter) with. Just a thought.
My prayers go out to this family, but this didn’t have to happen. This tragedy was totally preventable. Lets exercise a little bit of common sense people.
Why was this kid hunting in the first place? With a real gun? Someone please tell me.
I just posted a link to story from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about an 11-year-old that was killed while on a hunting trip with his grandfather.
This baffles me. I have never understood hunting and the thrill in killing poor defenseless animals. I saw Bambi as a kid and when they killed Bambi’s mom I was absolutely traumatized. I yelled and pounded on the screen like “noooooo!!!” and “Why is this happening!!!!!” (Ok, so maybe I wasn’t quite that dramatic, but I was really, really sad.)
But I’ll put my personal thoughts aside, I’m sure in some families hunting is a tradition and all that. Wonderful, but leave the kids out of it. Your 11-year-old child does not need to be anywhere near a hunting rifle, grandpa. Let’s make this act of male bonding one for the older men in the family. If you absolutely must get the kids involved, show them some gun safety and do it with fake guns with fake bullets. How about we not give the kids something they can actually shoot themselves or someone else (or me for that matter) with. Just a thought.
My prayers go out to this family, but this didn’t have to happen. This tragedy was totally preventable. Lets exercise a little bit of common sense people.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Skinny Girls Who Think They're Fat
Let me start by saying I am not a weightist. I love skinny people. Some of my best friends are skinny, lol. But seriously, I fall into the plump and pleasing category. And as a plus size woman I'm always looking for things to make my body look less plump and more pleasing. I recently heard about this great shapewear called Body Magic. It sucks in your waist. It gives the girls up top a nice boost and makes that bottom look fabulous.
I was invited to a meeting to learn more about Body Magic. At the meeting were several other ladies who, though not obese, could benefit from some good shapewear. Also joining us was a beautiful woman with an absolutely perfect body. Curvy and no fat anywhere. I'm thinking why are you here? If I had your body I would go everywhere in a bikini, work, church, outside in the cold.
So the meeting started and we went around the room and told what we wanted to fix on our bodies. Ms. Perfect is all, "I had a baby and had a really hard time losing weight." I was super irked now. She has a baby! Are you freaking kidding me? I look pregnant now and I haven't had any kids.
The time came for us to try on the Body Magic suits. Ms. Perfect can't fit any of the suits because they're all.. wait for guessed it too big. I on the other hand had to be pushed against the wall so that I could fit into mine.
LOL, I feel almost bad writing this because she was really sweet. Just a little deluded. I see this all the time. At the gym. In clothing store dressing rooms, etc. Ladies if you don't wear double digit sizes you are not fat. And even if you wear double digit sizes you aren't necessarily fat. Stop stressing yourselves out. Stop starving yourselves. So what if you have to go up to the next dress size cause you got a little junk in your trunk. Boo hoo, instead of being a size 6 you're an 8. Cry me a river. I've never been a 6 or an 8 and I'm happy. I love myself and I accept my body. I wear a double digit size and I'm not ready to kill myself. It could use some improvement and I'm working on it. But never again will I let it make me feel bad about myself. You shouldn't either, because you're beautiful.
I ended up buying the Body Magic and I'm gonna work that garment because I'm a superstar. I'm fabulous, not because of this body, but because of what's inside this body.
Skinny girls, take notes.
(Shameless plug. I also sell the Body Magic. Hit me up if you want to learn more about it.)
I was invited to a meeting to learn more about Body Magic. At the meeting were several other ladies who, though not obese, could benefit from some good shapewear. Also joining us was a beautiful woman with an absolutely perfect body. Curvy and no fat anywhere. I'm thinking why are you here? If I had your body I would go everywhere in a bikini, work, church, outside in the cold.
So the meeting started and we went around the room and told what we wanted to fix on our bodies. Ms. Perfect is all, "I had a baby and had a really hard time losing weight." I was super irked now. She has a baby! Are you freaking kidding me? I look pregnant now and I haven't had any kids.
The time came for us to try on the Body Magic suits. Ms. Perfect can't fit any of the suits because they're all.. wait for guessed it too big. I on the other hand had to be pushed against the wall so that I could fit into mine.
LOL, I feel almost bad writing this because she was really sweet. Just a little deluded. I see this all the time. At the gym. In clothing store dressing rooms, etc. Ladies if you don't wear double digit sizes you are not fat. And even if you wear double digit sizes you aren't necessarily fat. Stop stressing yourselves out. Stop starving yourselves. So what if you have to go up to the next dress size cause you got a little junk in your trunk. Boo hoo, instead of being a size 6 you're an 8. Cry me a river. I've never been a 6 or an 8 and I'm happy. I love myself and I accept my body. I wear a double digit size and I'm not ready to kill myself. It could use some improvement and I'm working on it. But never again will I let it make me feel bad about myself. You shouldn't either, because you're beautiful.
I ended up buying the Body Magic and I'm gonna work that garment because I'm a superstar. I'm fabulous, not because of this body, but because of what's inside this body.
Skinny girls, take notes.
(Shameless plug. I also sell the Body Magic. Hit me up if you want to learn more about it.)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My accidental foray into the adult industry (Part 2): Free labor is not a freaking internship, jerkhead
So Wednesday night I headed to my 8 p.m. "job interview." The same one that everyone thought was a porn audition. (A special thanks to all the guy friends who offered to help me "prepare" for my job interview).
Turns out it wasn't a porn audition, but strangely they still managed to find a way to try to screw me. The company is looking for people to promote their business and work events they hold for pretty much no pay. They're calling it an "internship program."
I'm pretty laid back, but this is one thing that really pisses me off. Companies that try to pimp you for free labor and then have the nerve to call it a freaking internship. Its not a freaking internship if you aren't teaching me anything. Its not a freaking internship if I work my ass off for you and don't get paid for it. That is volunteer work, not an internship. Call it what it is.
I'd like to put these posers on blast. If you're too cheap to pay a salary or if your company is just starting out its fine, just be real about it. Call it what it is.
Turns out it wasn't a porn audition, but strangely they still managed to find a way to try to screw me. The company is looking for people to promote their business and work events they hold for pretty much no pay. They're calling it an "internship program."
I'm pretty laid back, but this is one thing that really pisses me off. Companies that try to pimp you for free labor and then have the nerve to call it a freaking internship. Its not a freaking internship if you aren't teaching me anything. Its not a freaking internship if I work my ass off for you and don't get paid for it. That is volunteer work, not an internship. Call it what it is.
I'd like to put these posers on blast. If you're too cheap to pay a salary or if your company is just starting out its fine, just be real about it. Call it what it is.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
XXX??? My unintentional foray into the adult movie industy Part 1
After a recent spate of traffic tickets. I'd managed to run up a pretty expensive tab to the city of Sandy Springs. Somewhere in the, oh, $1200 range. (Hmmph, yeah I know).
In an effort to pay this off and not have to eat ramen for the rest of my life. I came up with the brilliant idea to get a part time job. It needed to be something part time that I could do for a few hours on the weekends when I was off. I scoured Craigslist and happened upon an interesting ad.
They company was looking for people to work as concession or ushers for a film festival. That sounded cool to me. I could watch movies and make money at the same time. Plus it was one day a week. Solid! I contacted the poster and scheduled an interview for later in the week. The first interview went great, but the employer was saying things were kind of slow now, but they would contact me around the first of March when things were getting busy.
I told my best friend about it and she joked that it was some sort of seedy porn company. After the interview I joked with her that I'd be shooting my first movie later that week. We had a good laugh.
A couple weeks passed and I forgot about it. But then this morning I get a e-mail to come in for a follow-up interview. At 8 p.m. Yeah 8 at night. Hmm, so not wanting to seem totally naive I'm all what could they possibly interview me about at 8 p.m. that could not be done, oh I don't know, during the day.
The kicker is that the company that sent me the interview e-mail is going by the name Traxxx Entertainment. Traxxx with a triple X. So I contact a friend of mine who is a bit of a porn connisseur and asked if he was familiar with these guys. He of course was. He suggested that maybe the job wasn't for a porn actress, but for something legit. But if I needed to practice for the interview, he would be willing to help me out. He's so thoughtful.
I'm curious to see what's going to come of this, (Plus I need good blog material) so I'm going to check it out. I will let you know how it goes...
In the mean time I'm interested if anyone has ever had an experience like this before. Have you ever totally misinterpreted a situation and ended up in a totally unexpected predicament? Tell me about it.
In an effort to pay this off and not have to eat ramen for the rest of my life. I came up with the brilliant idea to get a part time job. It needed to be something part time that I could do for a few hours on the weekends when I was off. I scoured Craigslist and happened upon an interesting ad.
They company was looking for people to work as concession or ushers for a film festival. That sounded cool to me. I could watch movies and make money at the same time. Plus it was one day a week. Solid! I contacted the poster and scheduled an interview for later in the week. The first interview went great, but the employer was saying things were kind of slow now, but they would contact me around the first of March when things were getting busy.
I told my best friend about it and she joked that it was some sort of seedy porn company. After the interview I joked with her that I'd be shooting my first movie later that week. We had a good laugh.
A couple weeks passed and I forgot about it. But then this morning I get a e-mail to come in for a follow-up interview. At 8 p.m. Yeah 8 at night. Hmm, so not wanting to seem totally naive I'm all what could they possibly interview me about at 8 p.m. that could not be done, oh I don't know, during the day.
The kicker is that the company that sent me the interview e-mail is going by the name Traxxx Entertainment. Traxxx with a triple X. So I contact a friend of mine who is a bit of a porn connisseur and asked if he was familiar with these guys. He of course was. He suggested that maybe the job wasn't for a porn actress, but for something legit. But if I needed to practice for the interview, he would be willing to help me out. He's so thoughtful.
I'm curious to see what's going to come of this, (Plus I need good blog material) so I'm going to check it out. I will let you know how it goes...
In the mean time I'm interested if anyone has ever had an experience like this before. Have you ever totally misinterpreted a situation and ended up in a totally unexpected predicament? Tell me about it.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Welcome to my blog
Greetings and welcome to Are you freaking kidding me?
I created this blog as a way to vent about and discuss the absurdities of life. Hopefully we can all get things off of our chest and even laugh about it. During these particularly stressful times, I hope this can be a place where people can find some sort of relief. A stressfree, non-judgemental place to just let go.
I've found that the best way to deal with life is the find the funny or utterly absurd aspects in it. One of those laugh to keep from crying kind of deals.
Have fun.
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