Good grief. The ironically named Russell Wiseman, mayor of Arlington, Tenn., is apologizing for firing off on his Facebook page at President Obama for preempting the Charlie Brown Christmas special for a speech.
Wiseman, on his Facebook page claimed, the president deliberately timed his speech to block the evil Christian message of the Charlie Brown Christmas special because he's a Muslim. Thank you Mayor Wiseman, you've unraveled the conspiracy plot of the decade. Surely, with two wars going on, a recession, unemployment rising and trying to get a healthcare bill passed naturally the thing on President Obama's mind is sticking it to Christians by preempting a holiday cartoon. (Insert evil laughter, here) Brilliant, Absolutely brilliant!
Give me a break. It is idiotic on so many levels. It would actually be pretty funny if it wasn't so sad.
First, he's not a Muslim folks. If we learned nothing from the whole Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, it's that Barack Obama is a Christian. I don't know about you, but I don't know any Muslims who worship for 20 years at a Christian church. I don't know any Muslims who get married at and have their kids baptized in a Christian church. He's a Christian guys.
Even if Wiseman was joking, there are plenty of people in this country who believe this. It's ridiculous. He's certainly a Christian. He's not waging a war on Christmas, he has a Christmas tree at his house.
We question the Christianity of Obama who's platform has been on making peace with other countries and bringing people together across party lines, race, ideology and sexual preference, but we have no problem calling the man who essentially lied to wage a war for profit and revenge a Christian. It makes no sense. Even if he was a Muslim (which he isn't), so what. Why does it matter? Who cares?
The other troubling thing is that people actually elected this mayor. And even more sad somebody actually lost an election to someone this stupid. Wow!
Are you freaking kidding me?
If you want to read more about Mayor Russell Wiseman's comments, click here.
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