Wednesday, May 19, 2010

These newfangled burglars break in your house and leave things instead of taking them

Well at least they didn't take anything.

Are you freaking kidding me? I guess you couldn't come up with a better excuse there. (Shaking my head)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crack Slanging Grandma

Wow, not exactly what comes to mind when you think of your neighborhood drug dealer, huh?

Monday, May 10, 2010

So I guess your finger wasn't an option?

(story courtesy of

    An early contender for this week's Dumbass of the Week. Here's a tip people, when you have an itchy nose, consider scratching it with something without bullets. 
  Are you freaking kidding me?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

First thing I'm gonna do when I get ouf of prison is..

(story courtesy of

  Mr. Cooper and this story has inspired me to crown the very first Are You Freaking Kidding Me "Dumbass of the Week" award.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This better be a super, duper grande

courtesy of My Fox New York

   Just when I'd finally got used to paying $4 for a cup of coffee, some geniuses come up with this. I love coffee just as much as the next girl (I'm a college student and night owl, so I would be totally useless without coffee), but this is ridiculous. $12 bucks.

 Are you freaking kidding me?

 I refuse to pay that  much for anything without alcohol in it and even if there is some alcohol it better be punch drunk and dancing on top of a bar once I've finished this thing for it to be worth the money.

 Cafe Grumpy argues that they roast their own beans and this explains the price. I say it can't taste that much different for you to roast them then for someone else. Come on guys, seriously?

Monday, May 3, 2010

You might have a drinking problem if...

       If you can not wait until you finish walking the line and reciting your ABCs backwards to have a sip, you have bigger problems than just this possible DUI arrest.

      Are you freaking kidding me?

      This post is by no means intended to make light of alcoholism. It's a serious problem. But if there is any doubt in this guy's mind as to whether or not he has a drinking problem, understand the answer is unequivocably yes.