Thursday, August 12, 2010

Former Jet Blue Flight Attendant Steven Slater We Salute You

I love this guy!!!

Seriously, I do.

And its not because he’s a hero (he’s not.) Or because he stuck it to the man (he didn’t.)

It’s fantastic because this is an example of overreacting at its finest…and it is absolutely hilarious. You can’t storm out of your office the same way anymore. Simply stomping out with expletives and flipping over a desk won’t cut it. This guy raised the bar. With two beers and an inflatable slide Steven Slater set a new standard. This guy cussed out a passenger over the intercom, slid down the emergency inflatable slide and then went home.

I wish I had been on this flight. I would have been cheering him on all the way.

Let’s reconstruct his steps, shall we?

1. Idiotic passenger fighting to get massive bag in tiny overhead container and holding up the flight. Who of us has not experienced this and wanted to scream?

2. He tells her to sit down, she refuses they argue.

3. At some point the bag falls and hits him on the head. (Hilarity begins)

4. They argue some more, because she won’t apologize and some point she calls him a MFer or to F off or something like that

5. He snaps

6. Old boy jumps on the intercom and tells the lady F you and that he’s had a great career and that he’s done.

7. He proceeds to deploy the inflatable slide, grabs a couple beers, slides down the slide and goes home.

You can’t even make up stuff like this It’s fantastic

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

These newfangled burglars break in your house and leave things instead of taking them

Well at least they didn't take anything.

Are you freaking kidding me? I guess you couldn't come up with a better excuse there. (Shaking my head)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crack Slanging Grandma

Wow, not exactly what comes to mind when you think of your neighborhood drug dealer, huh?

Monday, May 10, 2010

So I guess your finger wasn't an option?

(story courtesy of

    An early contender for this week's Dumbass of the Week. Here's a tip people, when you have an itchy nose, consider scratching it with something without bullets. 
  Are you freaking kidding me?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

First thing I'm gonna do when I get ouf of prison is..

(story courtesy of

  Mr. Cooper and this story has inspired me to crown the very first Are You Freaking Kidding Me "Dumbass of the Week" award.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This better be a super, duper grande

courtesy of My Fox New York

   Just when I'd finally got used to paying $4 for a cup of coffee, some geniuses come up with this. I love coffee just as much as the next girl (I'm a college student and night owl, so I would be totally useless without coffee), but this is ridiculous. $12 bucks.

 Are you freaking kidding me?

 I refuse to pay that  much for anything without alcohol in it and even if there is some alcohol it better be punch drunk and dancing on top of a bar once I've finished this thing for it to be worth the money.

 Cafe Grumpy argues that they roast their own beans and this explains the price. I say it can't taste that much different for you to roast them then for someone else. Come on guys, seriously?

Monday, May 3, 2010

You might have a drinking problem if...

       If you can not wait until you finish walking the line and reciting your ABCs backwards to have a sip, you have bigger problems than just this possible DUI arrest.

      Are you freaking kidding me?

      This post is by no means intended to make light of alcoholism. It's a serious problem. But if there is any doubt in this guy's mind as to whether or not he has a drinking problem, understand the answer is unequivocably yes.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Man those ambulance chasing lawyers are good

If you have to wreck your car, this might be a good place to do it

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Pants on the Ground" guy is performing at the Grammys

Are you freaking kidding me?


If you are not familiar with "Pants on the Ground." Check out this video:

 I appreciate the sentiment. Sagging pants annoy the crap out of me. Plus, I'm a sucker for these unknown, untalented person rises from obscurity to pop culture phenomena stories. Wonderful, more power to them. And I'm not hating, Larry Platt's living a dream and he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

But the Grammys? Are you freaking kidding me?

I stopped watching the Grammys years ago. The Grammys is supposed to be the most prestigious and time honored award for musical talent. When it became obvious to me that the selection process and winners were dictated more on what was popular on the charts than true talent, I just couldn't do it anymore. This choice of performers only goes to validate my decision.

 One might argue that he's performing at a pre-show and it's not like he's RECEIVING an award. True, but the prestige factor of the award diminishes when novelty songs like this with no musical skill are there when great bands and artists die in open mics, nightclubs and churches in obscurity.